....and Pron Stars....
Your accessory de jure is available for a cool $168.
This is hilarious to me.
Why do I think of old school director chairs when I see this mess?
'staches' only work for cops, retired cats named Ed, adult dodge ball players and barbers with white aprons and straightedge razors.
Everyone else need not try, rock a goat or thin beard....
I'm just saying...
Calling all B - Movie Actors
And, they expect to make money?
I respect entrepreneurs. I have mentioned the fact on this blog several times that I would love to jump out on my own, BUT sometimes the deadly "R word" (risk) starts to play tricks on my thinking and I just jump back into the rat race of a corporation. One day though........one day.
Anyway, I came home from work the other day and the very image you see of the window washing "advertisement" was wedged in between my storm door. I pulled this trash out and shook my head at the feeble attempt to persuade me and who knows how many other suckers to call these chumps back to have them wash windows. I'm VERY particular about being persuaded to follow up with a business when all I have is print media. I can overlook a poorly designed informational website sometimes, but a postcard, brochure or random flyer needs to at least be cut properly to grab my attention. Who knows, maybe two high school or junior high kids are trying to make some money. Either way, details, details, details. SIMPLE details! Geez. I had to disguise the phone numbers to protect the guilty.