I happen to be scanning the tv post dinner this evening and ran across the NBC Dateline show entitled "To Catch A Predator". I am sure that you have heard of this. The basic premise is about these losers (dudes) who chat online (usually a myspace situation) and after days or weeks of chatting with what they think is a 12-15 year old girl (or boy) (actually a police decoy in the cyber unit or 19yo girl they utilze for talking on the phone and video chat), they agree to meet for some "partying". The host of this report, Chris Hansen, is absolutely HILARIOUS in how he talks to these sick morons and then produces the transcripts from several sessions of explicit chats. Mr. Hansen actually walks in from another room into the kitchen while some of these guys sit there with some type of brew in their hands (Mike's Hard Lemonade seemed most popular). I love when he asks these idiots if they have heard of Dateline and seen the show on catching people like them... Oh man....I never tire of seeing these mostly predictable people sweat bullets and then either flip out when the cameras come out from being hidden and then the guys run out of the decoy house and get arested. I say mostly predictable because sometimes they get a real loon on there who starts taking his clothes off right when he gets into the decoy house....It's pretty ridiculous. It is truly amazing to me that ANYONE would think that in 2006 you could set up a session of "partying" with an underage person and not get caught.........eventually. The sick thing is that although these idiots claim that "this was my first time doing anything like this", we all know otherwise. It's pretty bad when tonight's show displayed a teacher who was married, a student from a religious college, a paramedic and some other people with certain job titles. I have seen this series in the past with doctors, lawyers, engineers, rabbis, pastors and the list goes on and on.....It just shows kind of shift in societal circumstances thanks to the Internet. If kids (and adults) would be more cautious and flat out emotionless within chat rooms and message boards, many of these types of things would not have opportunites to become criminal activities. I suppose the whole annonymiety vs trust dicotomy of the Internets plays around with some people's sense of reality.....
I can assure anyone reading this that neither Hall nor Oats were harmed in the formation of this post. :p
Do these morons think it's 1985 or something? Honestly......
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True. However, I'm undecided on this issue, taking into consideration that they use these "bait" methods.
Uh....what do you mean? Are you saying the fact they "bait" these guys is not ok?
What are you saying?
Well my friend I dont know if I told you but local news 4 did a story on myspace and I'm sure you would be happy to know that I had my 15 seconds of fame. Yup my profile pic was shown on the news around 630 am on May 17th. Of course they were doing a story of sexual predators and who these sickos prey on and low and behold they get on the myspace website and show pics of girls and I was one of them.. Some how they considered my pic "provacative". How did I find this out you ask? I got a phone call from a guy i know that was up early watching the news... I checked it out of course and saw the broadcast.. lovely isnt it? Whats next for Karen you ask? I'm guessing the Milk Carton.. Have you seen this Filapolish girl? LOL
so....you have reached celeb status? you HAVE arrived. :p
and yes, I think baiting is wrong.
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