
Business Dress

As someone who has worked in environments where business dress is mandatory and business casual was optional, I can say with absolute conviction that Western society is pretty much a collective group of Lemmings that embrace "dressing the part" as being something that by default makes people work harder or "appear" smarter. What a bunch of absolute horse caca! Are we that influenced by the fashion industry that the idea of dressing up makes one seem so much more "professional" and gets business deals done any more effectively?

Certainly, dressing within the fashion industry makes sense since the goal is to sell clothes and display what will be purchased by consumers, but any other industry? I think not. Wearing business attire does not translate into good hygiene or improved idea creation.

Does not actually DOING the work within an organization mean much more? Does taking ideas and delivering new products lose its luster if said ideas do not stem from someone with a suit on? Uh....no. Can a person wearing business dress still do sloppy work and not deliver intended results? Of course.

I happen to be thinking about this concept recently, when the EXACT idea was discussed by a very interesting person that some of you may know as the current owner of the Dallas Mavericks and billionaire, Mark Cuban. This guy is brilliant in so many ways. I knew of him before he became an NBA owner back when he sold broadcast.com. He's an extremely savvy business person and because of many of his efforts and by "efforts", I mean obnoxious press conferences and ways to annoy David Stern, the NBA has instituted many improvements to their product. Anyway, he posted about this very subject and I like the angle he decided to go with.

I have well rounded interests and many aspects of the fashion industry fall in to what I decide to research and spend my time learning about and I really think business dress is such an overrated concept in industries outside of fashion that it's just archaic and really short-minded.


shqipo said...

I have well rounded interests and many aspects of the fashion industry fall in to what I decide to research

Does your research tell you to wear black pants with brown shoes and brown belt? :p

Josue' said...


phun N gab and the Gay Circus Elves said...

sorry, I can't afford a nice business suit, but I can afford a military uniform

Dave said...

Thanks for the advice. Next time I have a job interview I'll be sure to dress in a bag.

Like it or not, looking like a professional helps. Some people might not take you seriously if your appearance is sloppy and besides, it's just a suit and a tie, what's the big deal?

Josue' said...

My point is DRESSING does NOTHING...DOING gets results...Did you even read the Cuban article?

Until you HAVE to wear a suit everyday, slow your roll....Being well-groomed is a must no matter what you wear. Suits are overrated. Of course, I rock a suit like there is no tomorrow, but it's not as though DOING THAT automatically makes me more efficient or "smarter" in my job responsibilities...

Dave said...

Well you're wrong. Paris Hilton dresses good and does nothing and look where she is.

Josue' said...

Are you drunk? What are you talking about?