
My Movie of The Year!

Saw it last night.


Tried to find flaws; found none.

Michael Bay owns Hollywood; He should.

The sequel will have MUCH to compete with.

I could watch it 10 more times.


Dave said...

Well, I wouldn't say there aren't any flaws, there were, but the movie still kicked ass. I can't wait to see it again.

Stupid fanboys don't know what they're talking about, you can't make any kind of movie based on a comic book or a cartoon that will please them.

shqipo said...

glad you liked it, wendy :p

now go back to your sand box.

Anonymous said...

flaws (to me): too long, some pacing issues, not enough of the negro-bot.

Josue' said...

What do you see as some flaws?

Fanboys will NEVER be happy.

For me, I had a problem with Jazz (I feel you Dub) getting killed so early, if at all.

I thought they spent WAY TOO MUCH time on Frenzy...The part outside AF1 was lame...

The two "kids" in high school? Sure. Very believable. Ha!

You'll just never understand what goes on in the sand box. :p

Too long? No way man. They did it right with the length. Pacing? Which part?

The D said...

I only had three concerns.

1: Starscream his voice?

2: Sure, kill the black bot first.

3: Use the FREAKING CUBE on BUMBLE BEE! It worked on Frenzy!

Too long? Just because you MTV TRL generation kids have an attention span of 3 min does not mean the rest of us do.