Here we go again. There are two prominent sports figures in the midst of controversial circumstances this week. The first is OJ who posted bail today after being charged with 10 felony counts for trying to steal back some of his memorabilia that was
allegedly stolen from him and these memorabilia "dealers" were in some bootleg Vegas casino room. The second individual involved in a somewhat controversial circumstance would be Donovan Mcnabb who made some comments in an interview on HBO in which he makes the claim that Black QBs are criticized more than White QBs in Pro Football.
I'll address OJ first. #1, the guy is a complete idiot for being involved in a situation that so many of the shady characters involved could set him up. Not that I know it was a setup, but someone with the legal track record that he has just needs to stay out of any situation that even appears like he could be charged in anyway with a crime. For the record, I do believe that "If the gloves don't fit, you've got to acquit" and like you or I, he got his day in court and high priced legal Dream Team or not, he played within the rules that the US judicial system has created...Detroit is a very polarized city when issues of race arise thanks to Coleman Young and so many others who have corrupted the local government here. Racism is alive and well around here. Naturally, people have an opinion on OJ. I have heard black men/women say that OJ is an embarrassment to them and I have also heard people defend the guy for this latest incident and actually having the nerve to say that "the system" is just trying to take him down. Are you kidding me? You or I do that and this is a done deal and we are sitting in jail for a loooong time, but celeb status in the US is a funny situation that certainly changes the rules. My point on bringing up OJ is that his whole situation has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with his race. It has to do with him being an arrogant former celeb who is hiding out in FL since the law there tells him that he does not have to relinquish all income/assets to the Goldman family for whom won a Civil suit against him after his federal trial. And we wonder why FL cannot vote correctly in elections. :p
Anyway, I have heard that since "there are no black people in Vegas" that OJ would not get a fair trial. Again, complete BS and a completely myopic view on legal issues. The guy is everything that is wrong with celebrity and THAT is the reason for him dodging the bullet the first time around. Who can save him now? Johnny Cochran is not on this earth anymore and who would want to represent this fool? Sheesh, it's NOT a race issue in any way. People need to wake up!
On to McNabb. QB in the NFL is THE most scrutinized position in sports. No question on that. Well, the Eagles are in the midst of an implosion. McNabb is not the same since coming back from a severe leg injury and is also not getting any younger. His Receivers are trash and Westbrook is THE MVP of that team thus far this year, but McNabb pulled the race card during an HBO interview like a moron. 4 short years ago when Dan's favorite conservative, Rush Limbaugh had a brief stint doing some broadcasting for the NFL, he tried to stir the pot and say that McNabb was not a great QB and that the media overrated him only because he was black. Well, McNabb showed nothing but class in his response to the statements made by Rush and said that he wanted to be judged as a QB and not a black QB.......Again, 4 SHORT years ago this was said and now, McNabb does not have the cojones to say he just wants out of Philly and quickly pulled the race card to be his scapegoat. Garbage!
Race is one of the most important things in my life, but playing that card shows a lack of character and people actually discredit their race when they pull that crap.
The Mighty Race Card....
myopic detroit,
race card
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that man is guinnocent
OJ did it. He's a murderer and belongs behind bars. i hope that jury in Las Vegas convicts him.
McNabb is a fool. The most criticized QB in the NFL is white. It has nothing to do with race. He should just shut up and play.
do u have something against US people? some of my best friends are black :p
and, how many times have u pulled the latino card?
US Americans! And The EYE-Rack!
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