
Jumped on the CSA Wagon Yesterday

I have been researching CSAs for the last two years and took the plunge and bought a share for the 2008 season. 20 weeks to be exact. I split it 3ways to lower the cost and am pretty exited about it; less than $12/wk is hardly going to break the bank for some quality produce. I spoke with one of the farmers for about 20min and it was a pretty interesting conversation. With gas prices through the roof and an overall unsavory and far from local food supply, I am happy to support a local economy and feel good about the implications of spending a little bit more, but getting a much better product.

Here's the farm I went with.


Anonymous said...

sounds tasty and healthy

phun N gab and the Gay Circus Elves said...

I'd just buy the stuff at the market or make my own garden like Rabbit from Pooh

shqipo said...

not bad... and what u get for $12?