
Eye Spy......

Have you ever played the WORD ASSOCIATION GAME? You know, think of a word and the FIRST thing that comes to mind just leaps from your tongue. I tend to play this game alot although I have evolved to images. Since I love photography so much, images evoke words and words and words although this post lends itself to one image being associated with another...in my mind, at least.

Exhibit A:
Princess Beatrice of York

I don't possess any obsession with British Royalty, but happened to be reading a story and saw her image and my synapses started dancing and made me think of..........

Exhibit B:
Large Marge from Pee Wee's Big Adventure

What can I tell you? The labyrinth that is my mind goes to unusual places sometimes....I feel better now that this is out in the open. :p

Bonus Exhibit:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

therapeutic, huh?