
Tough choices.....

Ok, it certainly is not a matter of life or death, but I need to decide if I am going to upgrade to the prosumer level in the world of digital photography. My trusty sony cybershot is pushing 5yrs old and it has been a nice view of the world from the 2.1 mega-pixel point of view, but I have been researching for the last year about the jump to the world of DSLR cameras. Obviously it's a significant jump in price and to know me is know that I hate spending money on purchases for myself. I feel sick to my stomach when I spend over $200 for an item. Not sure why, but I suppose it is some form of psycho-somatic mechanism that just manifests itself. I am over it by the next day, but nonetheless, it remains as a constant.
I have been teaching myself photoshop and really want to hone that craft and the idea of taking pics on a much higher res cam would really help in developing my pshop skeelz. I have a niece on the way and that is another excuse to upgrade the cam...yeah, that's it, blame the family for my own selfish gain...LOL! Really, I would certainly use the cam to its fullest potential, but I am afraid of my initial reactions to my treatment of such an expensive piece of electronics. I baby my sony p&s cam and like I said earlier, it's pushing 5yrs old. I guess I am just conditioned to take care of my digital kids...anyway, I would like to get the Nikon D50 or possibly the D70s right around Christmas or after the new year. No rush other than my selfish needs being sustained...haha. Some people keep mentioning Canon, but I went to a cam store and held several Canon models and felt much better about the Nikon models in my hands. The Canon felt much too delicate and not that I am a butter-fingers, but I just felt more sure of myself with the Nikon. I am about 99% set on getting the Nikon.........We'll see.....I plan for a bit more research on the upfront costs since I will be buying the body + the lens + the carrying case + the tripod + at least one high speed SD card for fast shooting......These choices need a rest for now....


The D said...

www.cnet.com Go to Reviews, then to cameras. you have your pick of what megapixel you want.

Josue' said...

Thanks D,
I include cnet in my research on all electronic purchases. They are pretty comprehensive. i have found that dpreview is really excellent as well....

Do you know anyone with a high-end digital cam? what about your good friend, the bengali?

shqipo said...

Uhm...are you giving suggestions of what YOU want to get for X-Mas? You ain't getting that from me, that's for sure :)