or tasted about previous granola on the market today. The subject of this post is something you NEED in your life. Your body and taste buds will thank you. I was at Costco last week and not even in search of this product, but happend to be walking through the cereal aisle and noticed they had Bear Naked granola. I recalled a story done on this company via the Food Network and I decided to purchase a bag based on my hope that it would be halfway decent. Honestly, Bear Naked granola is one of THE best healthy snack foods I have ever tasted.Those of you who know my eating habits, know that I am pretty conscious of what I put in my corpse and lets say I have been far from impressed with what's on the market in terms of granola and/or granola bars. I avoid them at all costs based on the high sugar content, bad overly-processed taste and just did not want to throw my cash at such bad products barely fit for human consumption. I am not a brand loyal consumer when it comes to food items although certain (very few) items offer no substitute, but overall, many items can be similar in ingredients and I will grab the one that is on sale. Bear Naked granola is on my list of the only granola I will throw cash at. The ingredients are of high quality with no added sugar or preservatives. Seriously, you NEED to taste this stuff. I know, I know....How much granola can a person eat? Well, I am not saying I would consume the stuff everyday, but several times a week is not too unreasonable. As the pic shows, I have only tasted the Fruit and Nut variety. I hope Costco brings in more flavors, but it's fine if they do not. I can live with paying $8.49 for a 30oz bag of goodness.
Forget what you heard...
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Yes, I hear you're very selective about those long, rubbery, vibrating things you but in your corpse! :D
I am shocked to hear you're paying $8.49 (plus tax) on 30 oz of granola! At that price, it's probably cheaper to just buy pure granola and bake it yourself!
And last but not least: as I've mentioned before, you should really consider applying for a job as food/restaurant reviewer! :) I hope you're getting some $$ from Bear Naked though for advertising their stuff. :P
It is NOT cheaper to buy "pure" granola. I have checked..Believe me.
I would really like a job as a food/restaurant critic...Maybe one day, but just not today :( Bear Naked has not given me a penny. I just hope they keep making a good product.
I'm all relaxed. Of course you've checked, I do believe you!
I think they should pay you though.
BTW, thnx for not linking my blog from yours. I guess I need to remove your link from mine...
No, I think it would be cheaper to make it yourself.
Also, Hippie.
I saw the show on Food Network too, where they showed how the two young entrepeneurs created the "Bear Naked" company. I'd like to try it to see if it's any good. I don't know where to find it, perhaps I'll try it once, although it is expensive. I love granola. Cheerios doesn't quite do it for me.
Hey shqipo,
I don't link to ANYONE's blog. I did not before and I do not currently. Don't be offended. Accept your reality. :p
Check the web site and do a zip code search. If you have no luck, let me know.
try to make some, taste your creation, taste Bear Naked and allow me to sing, "I told you so" in terms of Bear Naked being better AND cheaper....
when you make it yourself, it is always better...unless you are making a white castle burger. But I have made granola befor nad it was good.
and stick with your current template, that whole white screen last one was annoying.
seriously, when you price out (per kilo or pound) of GOOD ingredients, it will be more expensive. I'm serious man. Unless you have all the deals in bingo....
as far as the current template, i think i do like this one better also.
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