
Tire Rotation. Why would anyone EVER pay for that?

So, the other day, I took one of the cars to get the tires rotated. I like to stay on top of auto maintenance and ahead of the curve in terms of dropping cash on repairs that could have easily been prevented had I worked it in the schedule to do some easy minor maintenance. I took the car to a place near us called Discount Tire and I know some of you have heard of it, but if you have not, I have nothing but good things to say about this place. I'm happy they put a location much closer to our house 2-3yrs ago because I had to usually drive a few more miles to get to the one that I usually went to, but the one thing I love about this company is the consistency I have had from two different locations in two different cities. Anyway, this place does not charge to rotate tires or plug a flat in a tire. That is how it should be! If a tire company cannot stand by the simple task of throwing a car up on a hydraulic lift and taking 5min to switch tire locations on a vehicle, why would someone want to give them business when they actually need to buy tires? Of course, all bets are off if you are in the middle of no where and you get a flat and all you have is Ali's QuickyMart with attached garage to fix your flat for a few bucks, but under normal conditions and proximity to various tire shops is what I am speaking of for this post.
It's crazy how much some places charge to do that mindless (but important) task. And the part about fixing a flat is excellent. I replaced all four tires on one of the cars 1-2yrs ago and would go back to Discount Tire again when I do need new tires.
The other funny thing about being at one of these tire places are the characters that come in and want to throw on the latest/greatest rims/tires to act like they are celebs. Hilarious. These idiots have an average to below average looking ride and they want to drop 3K for some rims and they try and start their car and it struggles like it's on life support. I am sure this looks great pulling up to their housing projects or rented flat or some nonsense like that, but they got the latest dubs on their whip. LOL! Anyway, I digress.......If you ever pay to get a rotation or fix a flat, I feel bad for you...


The D said...

You know, I went to get my tires rotated, something I could just do myself, but in the snow it makes it a pain in the ass. Well, I had a coupon for free tire rotation.

When I handed the grease monkey the coupon, he looked at it then told me that I would have to pay to get the tires balanced because I have 4X4. I looked at him and I knew that this had to be some sort of scam. That is how they get you. I asked, "Yeah...so if it were a two wheel drive car I would not have to get the tires balanced?" He said yeah. "No thanks", I said and walked out of there.

Bastards, trying to rip me off Like I was a Rube.

phun N gab and the Gay Circus Elves said...

I have a lifetime warranty on my tires, which I bought at the base, so if I get a flat or the tires needed to be rotated and/or balanced, the grease monkeys at the base have to do it for free.

Yeah, I feel sorry for those guys wasting a few thousand on rims. There are better ways to waste that money. At least they're not buying reefer & 9 mils.

Gee, I wish I never had to do manual labour, aside from typing.

shqipo said...

Spoken like a true cheap @ss! :) But I do share your opinions...and rotate my tires at DT. Now that I think of it, I need to take Eda's car there for that as well.

So...you're saying that, since I rent, I shouldn't have gotten my Scoobie? hm...

Josue' said...

I would have made a huge deal to that clown or the owner of the place for trying to scam you like that....that's absolute BS they were trying to run on you....

you know I am a cheap@$$ to the soul. yeah, go take Eda's car for some care...and as far as your car choice, last time I checked you did not have your rims replaced and you don't live in the projects...

The D said...

Caleb, Weed is not a bad thing. You need to reevaluate that statement. If you are high, violence is the furthest from your mind.

phun N gab and the Gay Circus Elves said...

I think it's hypocritical that society allows alcohol to be sold, yet makes a big deal about reefer and legalisation of other "illegal" narcotics. Perhaps some "illegal" drugs are excellent, in small amounts, for medicinal purposes. I've had legal stuff from the "cain" family to "take away the pain" after having a wonderful surgery. I felt pretty good after taking the medicine. The medicine bottle has a sticker on it that says "DO NOT CONSUME WITH ALCOHOL" - I wonder why... that would make me feel even more good, maybe a little too good.

Hey D, the "reefer & 9 mils" thing was a cynical generalisation of gang bangers and gang banger wanna-be losers. Occasionally I have to put on my colours before walking through a particular neighbourhood... with my cheap 22... and my low rider... and a dime bag filled with catnip and oregano.

Josue' said...

The reason the hippie lettuce is not legal is he inability to tax it and the ease in which citizens can cultivate it in their windows and basements. Narcotics are derived from the earth and can be manipulated in a lab or homebrewed lab for unintended purposes and that can be a danger, but unintended purposes can precede sniffing or huffing household items. I could not agree with phun more on the whole alcohol statement since THAT is the most addicting "drug" in this world today. Taxed like a mother and the gov pulls in billions from it.

Those clowns you speak of are not wanna-be losers...they are FULL BLOWN LOSERS....gangs are for the sandbox and playground or riding up and down your street with an aluminum can on the back tire of a bike...not killing people for "disrespecting" your crew or wearing a red shirt because your blue shirt was in the washing machine....silly ish.

The D said...

Well, the real reason the chiba is ill eagle is thanks to William Randolf Hurst and his wonderful newpapers that started a huge smear campaign against the stickiest of the icky. These newpapers had bogus "new" stories about people smoking the bud and hacking their family to bits. They also blamed the Negros and Mexicans for increased crime becaue they smoked the KB. Easy to blame minorities for anything, especially since people wanted to get rid of them anyway.

Welcome to the history of Amerika

shqipo said...

Uhm... how did we go from tire rotation to gangstas and "hippie lettuce?"

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