Yesterday, I decided to hit up a local sporting goods store to check out some new sneakers. As has been mentioned in this blog in the past, I recently (just over a year) added running to my fitness routine on a more consistent level and the treadmill has made this more feasible throughout the winter months. Anyway, I get to this place and I approach the WALL-O-SHOES...I am, by no means, intimidated by fitness gear, but since I am a novice to the sport of running, I would prefer to avoid any pitfalls with inappropriate gear selection and certainly not spend more than I have to to get the desired results. Of course, I did my research before walking into the place..So, I am walking around picking up various sneakers and checking out the Made in China craftsmanship and sickened by the prospect of overpaying for something that was most likely made for $10...I press on...I checked out Nike, Asics, New Balance, RBK and ended up going for some Adidas that were on Clearance from $90 to $60. I figured it was a good buy and the toolbox who worked there really did not add too much value to my shopping experience since he stood by on the sideline thinking about which shoes were ok after I explained I wanted to spent under $80, but did not really want to sacrifice support....Seriously, the sneak sales guy was as useless as teets on a frog....The pic in this post shoes the new pair (on the left) and the retired nike that I purchased at a nike outlet for about $30, but they did not really last long. It's like a 2year old shoe with heavy use the last year due to my advanced running, but sheesh, I only run like 20miles a week...I think I might go with some Asics next since the reviews I have read on that brand tend to be good. Either way, I ran with the Adidas today and they felt good. Let's hope that keeps on...My shins will be forever grateful...
Sneaks help......Sneak SalesPeople don't!
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You're such a show off :P
And take this stupid word verif off, I already took mine off and no spam yet... Do u know how hard it is to read some tight ass letters that say "xoyvyxph"?
haha..I know, I know..My primo is all over my case for it..I think you might be the straw that breaks the WF's back... :p
I suggest a piece of wood and some cloth! Just like the Romans! Or the Nippons!
ha. I'd rock it HELLO KITTY flava riced out NIPPON steez...
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