Ok, this happens everywhere, but it still troubles me to witness it. A department at work had an early morning celebration of sorts. No big deal. On occasion, things can be festive. That's fine. Nothing like a horrid work environment where everyone just grunts and every second of the day that passes is the longest of your life. Good thing I don't work in a situation like that....Anyway, this particular department had a pretty legit cake. It was large enough for like 30 people. It was a double layer, chocolate mousse cake. Well, as I said before, the celebration was in the morning and after the department did their thing, they left the uneaten portion in the general break room for the frenzy to begin. It usually does not take long for any leftover food to get eaten/taken. Well, this cake sat, sat and sat...Every few hours, I would walk into the break room to see more of the cake gone. To make a long story short, the last piece was devoured just before I left for the day. NINE HOURS this cake was sitting out and what is so great is that in bold letters on the side of the cake box was two bold words that read PLEASE REFRIGERATE. I am not ashamed to accept free goods, but when it comes to unrefrigerated food that has been passed around in another department, I’ll take a pass....I expect a spike in toilet paper consumption in the next several hours.... :p
Sloppy 22nds anyone?
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Oh, come on...for dairy you have a grace period of 24 hours. You know they used to leave the fresh milk out in the open before they had refrigerators
That cake would be good for 18 hours
Allow me to cash your Reality Check D:
Are you drinking fresh milk these days? Uh.....no. Neither am I.
You can take a chance on the "grace period", but my point was the 9hrs in room temp + multiple people hovering and using that extra finger or two to assist them in taking a slice.
No thanks.
Come on, Grow a pair. What, you think you're gonna get sick from enjoying a piece? When I was little I used to drink river water in PR. I never got sick. That shit made my immune system stronger. Bird flu my ass. You probably own a couple of bottles of hand sanitizer, don't you?
My pair is grown and intact, thank you. I have full confidence in my immune defenses, but again, it's the idea of what people do and time is a factor with dairy products.
Would I get sick? Maybe.
Could I get sick? Maybe.
Should I risk it? No.
Does that make me the bubble boy? No.
The body is exposed to so many microbs with as much as we try to avoid the microscopic nasties....
And for the record, I own liters of hand sanitzer. :p
Cant we all just get Along?
You would've gotten along well with Martha Stewart while she was in her prime
Josue, tell us the truth, you shower with Bleach, right? Do you soak your hands in 10% HCL at night? Do you know how many nasty things are all over your keyboard and your cell phone? Two of the dirtiest objects in your everyday life.
Watch out, Acetone melts plastic.
I actually like to puncture my stomach lining and dip my fingertips into the HCL that resides there although that tends to be somewhat problematic since it begins to ravage my internals....nix that. I routinely clean my keyboard, mouse and cell.
I leave the acetone alone...
guys, I'll try to take a pic of josue' for you desenfecting his entire desk (keyboard, mouse, phone...) at work with clorox wipes :)
Now that would be funny.
Stop piling it on! :p
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