P_I_M_P_O_L_O_G_Y 101
It was a funny instance at work that lends itself to the inspiration for this post...A coworker of mine asked me about another coworker's name plate and how someone had written "The Pimp" next to the person's name on the name plate with a dry erase marker. I knew who wrote it on there only because the person who wrote it on there is very close in age to the person who's name plate had "The Pimp" written on it and has a desk near this person as well. The coworker who asked me about this is not very close to the age of the two coworkers involved in the name plate incident. This coworker was very close to being offended by such an act almost to the point of informing upper management and was visibly shaken at the idea of anyone being called a pimp. I told the person that I also wondered who would have wrote such a derogatory thing about someone as I was yawning in my mind and wondering how lame this whole conversation was.
It's just kind of a funny example of generations not being aligned in terms of vernacular and slang that is harmless amongst people within the same generation. One could think of so many words that have changed (in terms of context) over the years and how generations disagree about the use and become offended. I understand the language of academia and business and calling someone “The Pimp” in a professional setting is probably not the best move, but a casual setting is a much different situation in terms of verbiage used amongst those “in the know.”
Where I COULD have been earlier tonight.....
, but lady luck did not whisper in my ear...
As some of you may know, the World Series began earlier tonight. I have a friend who knows somebody who knows somebody who has their hands into many prominent events in the city. Well, my friend calls me this morning to let me know that we could possibly be on the field tonight for the opening act (Bob Seger) since several dozen extras were needed to hold a giant American flag for the aerial shots and related situations during the singing of America the Beautiful. So, at first this situation is sounding like it's a sure thing and I was hyped about the prospect of being out there in front of 50K people in the stadium and millions of TV and Internet users, but then my friend gets a callback that makes it sound as though it's now more of a 50/50 shot because there seemed to be enough people confirmed and we may have not been needed. Anyway, when I heard that it was not a sure thing and I would have rearranged some things I planned to do for today just to go in the first place, I did not want to set myself up for the letdown if the whole thing fell through and we went down there and wasted our time, therefore, I told my friend he should go w/o me if he wanted to test his luck...Well, my friend was on the field and I was watching the game at home....Better luck next time, hopefully.
Just because....
This mechanical tiger in Brugge, Belgium is the wackiest thing that you have seen in your life today...Tell me otherwise and I shall call you a liar! :p
The land of Hugo Chavez produces great beisbol players...
Who said Maggs was overpaid?!
The Venezulano was clutch!
The brooms were out in full force over the weekend..
Well, well, well...The unthinkable has occurred in the world of US sport. My Detroit Tigers swept the mighty not really Oakland Athletics and are on their way to the World Series. Anyone inluding myself who thought this would be the destiny for this team in 2006 is crazy or on some interesting chemical influences. The best I was hoping for was just above 500 for the year. Man, was I wrong, but man, am I super-happy about the team this year. I was nervous when they choked out the end of the season to the Royals and did not secure the Central Division title, but I'll trade that in for a World Series victory appearance any day.
Contrary to popular just El Oso belief, I have been down with the Tigers since the days of Magnum P.I. in the 1980s when I was a wee lad playing T-ball and then to Little League...
The NLCS is tied right now and I am pulling for the Mets to win ONLY because I would love for the Tigers to KO another squad from the NY. That would be excellent.
Dave, it looks as though you should be pulling for the Mets also since they have the most Ricans on their team amongst the active teams at this time. Even though he's not a Boricua, I love to watch Julio Franco play. Man, that guy is a friggin dinosaur at 48years old. Amazing! Of course, if they do play the Tigers, I expect our pitching to remind him that he should have retired long ago. :p
World Series bound after today?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. We have the brooms out and we are ready to
destroy the city & make national headlines party it up like it's 1984.....The door is closing fast on those A's.
I respect the A's and like many of their players, but the Tigers look like they belong on that grand stage that is the World Series.
In the Zone...
..as in have you ever had one of those days where things just go your way and you have no real explanation for it, but you accept...you embrace it. For those who play or are fans of sport, you understand me when I say that you can actually be "IN THE ZONE" for a period of time in which the opposition can do absolutely NOTHING to stop you. Of course this does not limit itself to the world of sport...let's say you nail a presentation or a major deliverable for a project at work or school. Or you cook something that is just absolutely money and your peoples are impressed by the feat. Or in a budding relationship when you are at that crossroad in which you decide is it time to change directions or move on in a common direction. Get my point? Those days occur to some more than others, but relish those days when they fall in your lap.
Who JUST advanced to the ALCS?
The Detroit Tigers.
Let me say that again....THE D-E-T-R-O-I-T TIGERS!
Who did my squad beat? The Yankees.
Let me say that again.. The freakin' highest payroll in MLB NewYork Yankees.
Many of you can NEVER understand what it is like to have one of your beloved sports teams have a losing season for the past 19yrs and then advance in the playoffs. It is freakin' crazy in the D right now!!!
Man, this is amazing and when you have been no where but bottom feeding in a league for so long, you can do nothing but improve...My boys are hungry and I have a good feeling about the next round.
Restore the ROAR baby!!!
Disgusting product of the day
Is it really such a surprise that so many Americans are unhealthy, obese and pretty much cesspools internally?
I hate certain technologies....
..and the one I would like to mention would be the somewhat recent (last 2yrs) inclusion of hearing music or a comedian or a line from a movie rather than the generic "ring-ring" when you dial someone's cell number...MAN, I HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! I called someone today and had to sit through Steve Harvey trying to be funny...To think, these idiots actually PAY for that option because they are so clever and progressive...Actually, the cell companies thank these idiots for falling prey to the idea of THINKING they need such a moronic "enhancement" for the entire call experience because no one in their right mind should buy a cell phone w/o fully customizing (NOT FREE) it with custom ring tones, ring music as someone waits, wallpapers, etc. because that is SO PERSONAL and you/they would be SO UNIQUE and not unlike anyone else except the thousands of other people who keep making T-Mobile, Cingular, Sprint, etc. rich off of complete BS ad-ons.Serioulsy, if anyone reading this has that stupid music or anything outside of a normal ring, you should find the nearest mirror and slowly mouth the following words in affirmation: "I am a loser. I have misused my disposable income on something that will not help people like me in any way."
Of course, from a business perspective, this makes perfect sense. Give the people what they THINK they need and make money off their stupidity. More power to big business if they create something that generates rev, but consumers should be smarter to cause further improvements in call quality and equipment.....Cell service is such a commodity these days that telecoms need to reinvent themselves since the consumer has several options now, but sheesh, people really believe that they NEED such things to be happy?