
The immortalization of Halo's Master Chief

I submit to those of you who read this post that the piece to the left of stained glass art work is the freakin' coolest and I would love to have one, but not for $500. It was created by someone who is pretty obsessed with Halo. I do think Halo is one of the best games of all time...concept, graphic and sound-wise....and seems to offer interesting enhancements with each version that comes out. Agree?


shqipo said...

when was the last time you played halo?

Josue' said...

Last week. Next question.

Don't try any lame angles. You are no gamer (never have been..never will be) so just save your key strokes...

The D said...

I would Pwn you in Halo, n00b!

Anonymous said...

i cant play halo for @$#%

Dave said...

Well I have played Halo and I am quite good. Both my roommates have an Xbox and Xbox live. I have no problems saying that I'm the best within our family. If you doubt me then tell me when and I'll go online with you and lay the smack down.

That's right.

Josue' said...

The joke is past being beaten to death...time to reset yourself.

I would never say I am better than you in any game. plus I refuse to pay to play online...you have more patience than me for constant game play...I play just to play...I don't take it personal...:p

Dave said...

Hey, whatever you gotta say to make yourself feel better. I don't pay, either, my roommates do. So get yourself to a freind's house and let's get it on!!!!!