
The Omnivore's Dilemma

I recently finished this book from Michael Pollan and all I can say is the daily question of "What should I eat today?" has taken on a new meaning for me. I THOUGHT I was a conscious and concerned consumer when it comes to selecting the food I buy for myself or my family, but this book really shed some light on things in this country that I did not consider in the past to the extent that was discussed in the author’s research.

A few things:
Take corn (which is subsidized by the gov.) out of the US economy and a collapse will soon follow OR at least a radical shift in eating habits. Case in point, HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) is derived from corn. Take a look at most of the processed snacks, drinks and even bread that you eat and you will most likely find HFCS as a main ingredient. HFCS are man made; they are derived from corn through chemistry in a lab. Think CHEAP. At even half a penny cheaper than sugar or any other sweetener occurring in nature (like agave nectar, for example), you are talking about billions of dollars in savings for the huge food and drink companies that can then get dumped into marketing budgets. HFCS were not even a reality until the 70's and used commercially in the mid-eighties. If you look at the ingredients in a Coke in the early 80's, sugar was used to sweeten it. Check that now and you will find HFCS and possibly sugar as well, but HFCS will be more of primary ingredient. Again, COST.
The book also reminded me of how the USDA and FDA are just big business vehicles with "standards" and certainly not enough inspectors to truly screen a disgusting and horribly "grown" product (meat and poultry). I knew this already, but the author pointed out a story in which he spent time on a farm with a farmer who was getting so many roadblocks in front of him for having a meat processing operation because the USDA would certainly not want to be exposed with so many dirty secrets in how the US consumer's meat is processed. The bureaucracy that this farmer has to slowly go through is just ridiculous. For example, he has an open area and/or glass paned-viewing area where any visitor can see the processing (slaughter) of animals. That is UNHEARD OF for a big industrial meat processing operation since again, secrets of how the food supply is just not very sanitary or the well-being of the animals is not considered.
This book is not a PETA, tree-hugging love fest in any stretch of the imagination, but it is essentially the story of a writer who spent time with a few small scale farmers and was let in on the realities of how the USDA wants to choke out anyone not on a factory farm with animals that have never seen the light of day or the conditions of workers (mostly immigrant or illegal) is absolutely horrible. We all ask ourselves, "What am I going to eat today?" Do we care HOW our food was derived? Do we care if what we eat was created in a lab? Do we only concern ourselves with COST above any other variable? These questions are deep and the answers shed light on many of the issues in this country from a socio-economic, political, health and cultural perspective.
The book also shed light on how HUGE of a business ORGANIC has become and will continue to be. With some estimates saying growth is at 20% a year, you have the developings of a major player in the food business. Organic food producers need to make money though, so you have many companies who follow the lazy and insulting "guidelines" of the USDA to get that ORGANIC designation.
The book was nice a read with subtle transitions through its 20 chapters and I highly recommend it. Also, keep in mind this order for healthy produce and meat options: Local organic --> local conventional --> regional organic --> regional conventional --> country organic --> country conventional......you see where I am going? The further you go out, the more negative impact it can have on your health and the health of the environment.

People should think about these things.


phun N gab and the Gay Circus Elves said...

Tell my brother Mikey to read a book sometime

Josue' said...


He's just worried about dem' mamis these days...books are not even in the picture...

Anonymous said...

I just read stephen king's "Cell" a few weeks ago so bump that. Yes, I love my woman. P.S. I learned half that scheisse on Modern Marvels about HFCS so touche'

Unknown said...

Good advice! Hold on one sec, my McD fries are getting cold

Josue' said...

That crazy clown named Ronald is cooking foods sans trans fat...