
Some things make no sense to me....

...like when people who have no idea how to play a sport and they get all laced up in high quality gear just to make the idea of them attempting something they have no business attempting seem that much more foolish. Exhibit A: I was in a park over the weekend and noticed some people playing softball; they were practicing. I saw this guy who was truly a disaster out in the field THINKING (based on most of his comments) that he was "just off" that day and would get it together eventually. Eventually never came. Dude had on some pretty expensive Nike cleats, UnderArmor from head to toe and he sucked! Why do people do things like that?! Back in the day when I would play basketball just about every other day, it would be the same thing with sneaks. Sheesh, these guys would show up with brand new Jordans or WHOEVER's kick was hot and their play would be utterly atrocious.

It would be like me getting expensive gear for something I am not that great at....Here are a few things. Golf. I don't play golf. I don't pretend like I play golf. I went to the range ONE time in my life and it was a disaster. Would an expensive driver help me smash it 300yds? Uh....no. My technique is horrible, therefore, a beginners to moderate hardware selection might be a better situation for someone like me. What else? Uh....Snowboarding. I bought mine from a place that sells used sporting goods. The board, bindings and boots were new, but the point is that if I dropped a few Gs on a Burton or some other techno-marvel of a snowboard, it would just be silly since #1--I am lucky to get out on a snow filled hill more than 5X in a season and #2--I don't think the X-Games are really in my future. So.......why spend the loot to just LOOK LIKE I am the real deal when I am certainly not. Part of my point is that in 2007, there is such a wide and appropriate range in middle-level gear that your casual weekend warrior would be ok to not go top-o-the-line....

Anyway, people just do interesting things and it makes me laugh....


Anonymous said...

one word: image.

The D said...

1: What do you care? If people want to spend their money seemingly stupid things, let them. It doesn't involve to you.

2: People buy good equipment because it is good.

I snowboard. My stuff is pretty good quality. I am not the greatest, but I didn't want cheap binding and boots. I wanted something that will work well and it just so happens that the higher the price, the better quality equipment. Boarding is a different kind of beast. Better boards bindings and boots make a difference. Better Shoes on the basketball court don't make you a better player.
My issue with your post is that you seem to be lumping people into one category and it just does not work that way.

Josue' said...

Actually D,
It does work that way.
If someone is good at a sport, mid-level gear will not impede them that much in the grand scheme of things...my point was the range of mid-level gear is so plentiful now that there is no need to be a poser by overpaying.

As far as me caring, I don't (since it’s not my money anyway), but I can and am still annoyed at such acts of stupidity by people.

shqipo said...

actually, you do interesting things that make me laugh - or cringe

Dave said...

I gotta agree with my bro here, cuz. It most definitely does NOT work that way. Buying better equipment doesn't amount to stupidity on the part of the purchaser. In some sports that will actually help. If I play golf and buy an inexpensive driver, It's not going to be as good as a more expensive, high-quality one. Sure, the pros could probably kick your ass with shitty equipment, but most people aren't pros, are they? So in order to seek an edge, they will not want mid-level equipment, they'll purchase the best equipment to make the best use of their skills.

Just because people buy expensive products doesn't mean they're posers, does it? I can't open a can of tuna very well. So instead of buying a cheap can opener that will take me ten minutes to use, I'll spend $20 on a motorized one that'll open a can in less than 10 seconds. There's nothing wrong with that.

Here's another issue I have with your reply; are you saying that if I am already good at a sport and have mid-level equipment, I become a poser by deciding to purchase better equipment? I don't understand why you find that stupid.

Also, if you don't care about it, then why spend your time blogging about it?

I believe that's what they call.....CHECKMATE!!!!

Josue' said...

The M@es0 sheep have entered the building ya'll....How about both of you get out there and truly check out mid-level gear. Is that such a difficult concept to digest? Really.
Buying better equipment at a premium price DOES equal stupidity since it will not improve your experience although many convince themselves of that silly fact to justify the purchase. Again, technique and mechanics are everything. If someone does not have it, it matters not what they purchase, therefore, save the loot and just opt for mid-level. Notice, I said my point is to not jump on the lowest price for sporting goods (have fun with your motorized can open and man up and learn how to open a can of fish without punking out and making the utility company rich) because it will not guarantee better performance.

I am certainly not saying if someone is good and decides to upgrade that they are a poser. It's those who are not good and will NEVER be good. Why should these people front? I put me in that mix. I would NEVER buy expensive golf clubs since I am a joke at that game, but give me a better quality baseball bat and that will improve my ability to hit a ball with a more rapid swing and just better overall control of connecting with the ball.

As far as me not caring about something and blogging about it, welcome to blog land where the rules are created as you go along... :p