I was discussing a particular issue at work with a female-type and the concept of 'alpha male' came up. She asked me if I or men I know consider that an actual quality? I said, "Well, every man has an alter ego and within the animal kingdom, instinct supersedes all." I was joking of course. A human male has free will unlike animals... and I do certainly believe that the testosterone fueled nature of a male contributes to the constant competitive nature and that makes many of us lean toward "alpha-maleness" in daily living....If you are a man and do not endorse physical competition (sports, working out, cross-training of any kind, etc.), nothing I have just said means anything to you and I expect you to just sit and think about magnesium sulfate
that would be epsom salts baths for your delicate feet and have your beard best lady friend from high schoolfinish waxing your arm hairs.....
A quick wiki search yields the most hilarious of definitions: An alpha male or alpha female is the individual in the community to whom the others follow and defer. Humans and their nearest species-relatives, the chimpanzees, show deference to the alpha of the community by ritualized gestures such as bowing, allowing the alpha to walk first in a procession, or standing aside when the alpha challenges. Canines also show deference to the alpha male in their pack, by allowing him to be the first to eat and the first to mate....
Pure comedy!
I am Alpha Male....Hear me snore!
alpha male
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"A" Male ---------------->
i'd reply here but my epsom salt bath is getting cold
that's how life is... I even seen the alpha male in geese... we were feeding geese and the largest one of the group was very aggressive and selfish, scaring the rest of them away so he could get all of the bread. Bloody Canadian geese.
I think a better way to say we are different from animals is that we can deny instinct. We can also reason. Animals cannot do that too well. Am I reading this right...you wax your arm hairs? What about your eyebrows?
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