
Working the System

I'm not naive and am well-aware that the "system" gets worked everyday, all over the world in many different forms and fashions. The system I am referring to in this post is the welfare system in the US of A. Man, this situation just pissed me off when I witnessed it. It goes a little something like this....I was at the store today getting some groceries. I finished shopping and was looking for a checkout line. I found one and fell into the queue. The obligatory review of magazines, gossip mags and other fish wraps consumed me for several minutes. As the line began to evaporate, I was on deck to get checked out and be on my way. I noticed one of my neighbors getting some items. I was looking right at her to see if she would see me and we would exchange hellos. She did not notice me and I did not disrupt her to inform her I was there. Well, I was literally 2ft away from her and noticed when it was time to pay, this married mother of several whips out a Bridge Card. Post double-take turned to anger in my mind since I see this lady every day. Guess what she pulls up into her driveway with? A freaking Cadillac Escalade!!
The other vehicle is a Jeep Commander. 2 SUVs. She does not work either. The real amazing thing about this is they put their house up for sale last year for a few months, then took it off the market and then they brought another child into the world and then got the Caddy and all the while I am confused at all of this. I see her pay with that card that my tax dollars have helped generate and walked out of that store a very pissed off person since this idiot lives on my street, drives a vehicle over 3X the cost of what I drive and had the state cover her $70 of groceries. Man, if that is not working the system, I am not sure what is.

My issue is certainly not with individuals on welfare. I am in full support of having that system, BUT the government should be better equipped to reduce the amount of fraud going on everyday. I know that people sell those cards to get cash and run all kinds of schemes, but I was just amazed at witnessing this episode today. Some people have no shame at all.


Unknown said...

dude. I used to work at Publix. I went on break after working hard to get a measly sub after a lady unloaded several steaks paid with her EBT card. Happened every day. I'm still bitter!!!

phun N gab and the Gay Circus Elves said...

We have food stamps, but not cards. We only get specific items, like cheese, milk, etc. I think it is a great program and deters fraud.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Doesn't it feel great that our taxes go towards:
1)free money (ie. welfare) for lazy people and people who make poor choices - so they can get air condition, nice cars, we feed them, they get cable tv or satelite dishes and purchase dogs & cats & give birth to more children even though they supposedly can't afford it!
2)killing people in Iraq so we can steal their oil, despite the horrible deaths and dismemberments and ruined families of taxpaying American troops
3)room and board and air condition and tv and weight rooms for murderers, rapist, and child molesters (who should all be cheaply executed at a minimal cost, say - a slit jugular vein which is free - just reuse the same knife on various child molesters and such)
4)illegal immigrants and their families who don't pay taxes like we do, and yet enjoy many of the benefits despite not being citizens
5)teaching of witchcraft (Harry Potter) and homosexual propaganda (sex ed.) to our children in public schools
6)teaching of theories as fact (ie.Evolution propaganda) in public schools and colleges, the supposed learning centers

I still don't understand the stupidity of our government. How about using tax dollars to:
1)fix the medical system in the USA
2) police blood sucking insurance companies and greedy pharmaceutical companies rather than policing other poor contries halfway around the world
3)fix the schools in the USA that are falling apart - rather than Iraqs' Jewish hating schools
4)help with disaster relief here in the states, for taxpaying citizens who loose everything
5)pay firefighters and police and teachers enough to at least be above poverty level
6)use alternate, non blood for resource attaining energy sources (ie.wind,water,solar,electric,hydrogen,ethanol,etc.)
7)give wives and children of soldiers, sailors, and marines who are killed in wars a "pension" for life, since funeral costs and a lifetime without the provider can't equal the life insurance dividend
8)protect our borders from illegal immigrants, which will keep out drug dealers, future "wasting our tax money" prisoners, murderers, rapists, child molesters, terrorists
9)back our money with gold or precious metals, and get rid of the Federal Reserve (a private business) to end inflation
10)fire all politicians who fail to represent the people (how is Bush still in office?)
11)find a cure for AIDS and cancer

Anonymous said...

wow ben, did you lift that list from Ron Paul's website? lol

The D said...

Wow, how did I miss this comment thread. I am saddened.

BJ...come on man. Harry Potter teaching witchcraft? You can chock up Star wars as evil because it teaches about the Force!

Sexual Education is a good thing. It limits the breeding of teens. Abstinence programs DO NOT WORK. Sorry, buddy, teens like sex and will do it. I prefer they not breed till they are older.

Oh lawdy! What can I say about number 6. The fact that you don't understand what a scientific theory is and how it is related to a fact speaks volumes. Hate to break this to you, but evolutions is real. It is observable. It is the reason we have so many differnt kinds of anumals on this earth. How about a small example. Dogs are wolves. My dachshund is the outcome of about a hundred years of selective breeding to turn a wolf into a short legged long bodied wiener. The dog was forcefully evolved by man. My dog can no longer survive in the wild on its own. It cant fun fast enough cant hunt, but if you release a pack of these dogs into the wild, they will eventually evolve back into wolves. Designed to survive in the wild. Long legs, thick fur, long teeth. Natural selection will prevail.

Why do you want to willfully make people ignorant? That way of thinking is why the education is failing in this country. Why do you think that the Chinese and Indians are getting all the tech jobs? Do you know how low the % of americans getting grad degrees is compared to asians? What sort of future do you want for the US?

Gravity is a theory. The Electromagnetic Spectrum is a Theory. I suggest you stop using your computer because that works by "theories". Stop using your cellphone as well as your microwave because they only work because of "theories". You should be on your knees and kissing science's ass for all the modern things you enjoy today because if people like you had their way, we would all be using candles, living in mud huts and covered in filth.

shqipo said...

so, uhm... she wasn't one of my peeps, was she?