So.....I enjoy technology in my daily life and thirst for more and more knowledge regarding so many aspects of tech, but I am certainly NOT an early adopter in gadgets, software, hardware et. al. I thing my
cheapskate frugal nature wins that battle most of the time. This is not to say I am not AWARE of new gadgets, software, hardware and many things tech, but I just hate to use my money for something that adds no significant value to what my current workflow or completion of tasks is currently.I also aim to not allow myself to get too caught up in the marketing-hype machine of many forms of technology.
For the last month, I have tested a new aspect of technology that has been around for almost 10 years, but really snowballed in '05-06' and that technolgy is RSS. I use NetNewsWire on my macbook and currently am running about 20feeds and am loving it! There are so many great things about RSS Feeds, but I have found the rapid nature of viewing stories as well as allowing me to be very selective....I can see the title and in a split second move on or click in for the entire story. If I happen to be traveling and away from a net connection, I can essentially click into these stories before I leave and they will sit in NetNewsWire and I can view them.
I resisted this for a long time because I thought it was pointless. Now, I cannot see interacting with the net any other way. I would say it has moved to about 60-70% of the way I use the net if I am not quickly looking up info/directions/checking email. It sames me tons of time although I can find myself trying to digest so much information that I need to walk away many times because so many stories can populate if I let hours and hours go by without checking and as we all has a way of pulling you in different directions at times.
Get on the RSS train....It's movin' baby!
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need more time,
net news wire,
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what are some feeds u use?
Here's a few:
Wired News
Sub-sections of the NYTIMES(Technology, Home/Garden, Travel, World, Arts)
BBC (Health, Tech, World)
It's important to review the rss options in the larger sites or else you will really get killed with first I just grabbed NYTIMES and BBC as a whole and would have like 500 every was crazy because it pulls from each segment. That's my experience, at least.
what's the difference between NewNewsWire and your built-in RSS feed reader (firefox)? I'm asking cause I am not cool or rich enough to have a Mac.
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