
Am I an Audioholic?

No, but if I were I would drop $3,300 on these cups. Behold the Sony QUALIA 010 Headphones. Man, those things look absolutely sweet. Married to my Shuffle, it would be a match made in audio_heaven....Oh well, it's just another example of wasted R&D by Sony.....


Anonymous said...

If you dropped 3 G's on a set of headphones, you need to admit yourself into audiophiles anonymous.

shqipo said...

Why wasted R&D? Don't you think there would be other audiophiles out there who are not as chea... er, value-conscious as you?

Josue' said...

Value-conscious? LOL! Nice....

shqipo said...

Ah, since you mentioned "cups", what size are they? And can you sqeeze them? If so, *maybe* $3000 is justified :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot!
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