Ok, here's the situation. I really, really hate to pay full price for anything and if I can get it for free (after rebates) then that makes me even happier. On a weekly basis or if I am in search of something, I like to scan the latest sales ads, online discount sites, check with friends and family about their experiences with buying the particular item I am in search of. Well, a few weeks ago, I saw this ridiculous deal for a hard drive at CompUsa. It was a 160GB Hitachi hard drive for $120 with a $60 Hitachi rebate and a $30 CompUsa rebate. Did I need such an item at that time? No, but for $30 after two separate rebates, I am all over that deal! I am a seasoned veteran when it comes to rebates and the process of making sure that all items are included in the envelope for the rebate check to make its way back to the rightful owner. Everything is going well post mailing until I receive an email from Hitachi a few days ago saying that I had not made the purchase of the hard drive within the defined timeframe of the promotion. Complete BS! My invoice was included in the rebate submission documents that clearly displayed that I had made the purchase in the proper date. So, my next thought is one of pure frustration, but I was prepared to fight this thing all the way to the top......Things never went that far, but I was prepared. Anyway, I call the customer service number (not listed on the rebate form; had to go back to CompUsa and get it from them) for the separate rebate company that handles the rebates for Hitachi since CompUsa told me to handle the issue with them first before they wanted to pay me the $60 that this rebate company wanted to keep that was rightfully mine. Anyway, we call and the headset phone jockey tells me that I did not purchase the item within the promotion time and I told him that I did...back and forth we went like a tennis match and then the guy says, "Ok, since we do value you as a Hitachi customer, we will honor this request just once and send your $60 rebate check." Just once?! Are you kidding me?! Anyway, I went along with this and said, "Thank you." I actually received an email from them yesterday saying that the check was on its way. The morale of the story is that rebates are good and great when you actually get them, but sometimes you have to dance like a clown to actually get your money......
So you think you can dance....FOR REBATES?
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I've seen those guys at the gay pride parade... *winks*
Are saying you are cheap?
i am saying that....
Hurray for the cheapos!
I deleted my previous comment cause I am #$%&* pissed at Parago (a rebate processing co, a.k.a. rebateshq.com)! They're refusing to pay me $30 for my new monitor because, according to them, I should've postmarked it by 8/23. Intriguing enough, I bought it on 8/29 and I told them I'm no Michal J. Fox and my Scoobie is no Gremlin.
So far no resolution, and the stupidiest thing is that their email doesn't work! All my messges bounce back and I have to go through their website, fill out their form every time I need to contact them! Arrgh!
I'm telling you...I don't just spout this $hite out without having gone through the mess...rebateshq.com is a joke! Stay on top of this issue with whoever you bought the monitor through and demand this get resolved. It sucks, but sometimes you have to get corporate on their @$$es....:(
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