
My Garden, 2006 edition

Check out the pic with detailed notes here.

I am trying a few new items this year in that I have decided that garlic (planted in the fall and soon to be harvested), celery and red leaf lettuce would make good additions to my fresh produce. We'll see how it goes. The usual suspects of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucs, zuc and several herbs are present. I think I did a much better job with spacing this year. My issue last year was more of just trying to use all the items that I purchased since I had to get most of the small plants as a set of two or four. Well, I could not find anyone who wanted to take the plants that I did not want to plant and did not want to throw them away, therefore, I just planted many more last year; which lead to crowding. The harvest was excellent, but was not as organized as I would have liked and some plants did get choked out last year. This year, I was prepared to just throw them in the compost if no one wanted to take the extras. Anyway, I found a neighbor who would take the extra zucs and celery that I had.

I'll drop another post in here after a month of TLC and you should see significant progress.


shqipo said...

What? That's it? I'm quite disappointed :( Damn it, this means that I'm actually gonna have to buy tomatoes this summer (unlike last year).

What's with that big space between two tomatoes?

Very good use of aol junk - I have some too if you need them.

Josue' said...

What are you talking about? I have 5 tomato plants. That's MORE than enough to feed your addiction. :p

shqipo said...

We'll see... and just one cucumber and one garlic? Man, that's outrageous! What am I supposed to eat this summer huh? :P But at least there will plenty of eggplants and peppers.

Josue' said...

There is one AREA defined as cucs, but actually there are three cuc plants...No worries, I will feed the hungry albos again this year...:p

As for the garlic, I also planted three cloves, but since this will be the first harvest, I can only guess that it will come out ok...No guarantees....

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » » »

Anonymous said...

What a great site » »