I was talking with L the other night about tats. No, not that I am considering one. Not my bag. Love the art, love the symbolism, even know of great designs I would be proud of. The main issue I have is that I will not be a youthful, tight-fleshed, streamlined specimen forever. An old man with tats is really not that cool. Unless dude owns a tat studio or "lives the lifestyle", it really, again, is not that cool.
I have friends who have tats and it's cool for them, but call me when they are in their 60's and that tribal art, asian script or cross have changed shapes and fade into their sagging flesh. It's not a pretty picture people. Again, I love the art, but the human body ages and does not maintain it's elasticity. Forever is too long in the world of tats and don't even bring up the idea of "getting them lasered off should you grow tired of the design or break up with the chick you inscribed on your triceps. I'll stick with other addictions and leave the ink to the pros....
To tat or not to tat....THAT is the ?
Tell me that anyone reading this blog has not heard of OR seen these Heelys sneaks/rollers and subsequent knock-offs? I thought of this concept years ago as a kid and some schmuck has made millions by getting these things made in a sweatshop for the past few years. I'm jealous. :p
Anyway, anyone older than 11 wearing these things is a loser, but I think they are really cool and would have loved to have a pair back in the day. I think it's hilarious that I can be walking in the mall and one second a kid is walking and the next they are whipping by me. Of course, the downside is the spike in emergency room visits, but no risk = no reward, right? Oh, to be a child again and live free with wheeled heels. LOL!
My Movie of The Year!
Saw it last night.
Tried to find flaws; found none.
Michael Bay owns Hollywood; He should.
The sequel will have MUCH to compete with.
I could watch it 10 more times.
If a piece of luggage played me in a movie...
The Hero 20" upright better get the role. Man, I don't trip over luggage under normal conditions, but the Alexander McQueen design on this is high art for sure. Plus, freaking out innocent bystanders using nothing but your luggage gets 50cool pts in my eyes. As much as I love this product though, $750 for it makes it slightly out of reach and I think I can live with that.
Old Timers?
Here we go again with another account of the things I hear and I just don't know how my luck is such that it happens so frequently to me. So, we were downtown recetly and I brought my camera and was shooting and took a quick break to switch out lenses and I overheard a conversation that this young girl was having with her friend. "bla-bla-bla and my grandmother has Old Timers....." My ears perked up and I thought to myself, "Self, you did not just hear what you thought you heard, right?" Indeed. As the conversation went on and examples of impaired memory and dementia came to light.....So, I had to restrain myself from calmly walking over to her and yelling: "OLD TIMERS means nothing!! It's ALZHEIMER'S you idiot!!" I just hate how some people say things without thinking. Here are a few more examples of american english phrases that drive me crazy, "Alls I'm saying...." and "Me, personally......"