
I am what I eat....

Are you? Or, I should say, I smell like what I eat... :p What I am getting at is are there certain foods that you eat that offer certain physiological responses more so than other people? Example 1: You've heard the story of eating asparagus and if you urinate soon (from 1 to 24hrs) after, that it has a really awful scent. Well, I am here to say that I LOVE asparagus, but avoid a bathroom after me at all costs if I consume several spears. It's bad, but it's my biology; I blame my genes. :p Example 2: Garlic. Sheesh....I realy love garlic and eat it weekly, but eating some Lebanese food with garlic paste will immediately begin diffusing from my skin. It's crazy...especially so, since I can actually smell it. It matters not if the garlic is cooked, sliced, minced or pressed, my biology reacts with it and the olfactory sense is stimulated beyond "normal". Example 3: Onions....Ok, you get the point.

Am I an anomaly or as common as the next cat?


In the spirit of Baby Posts....

I bring to you the Sculpted Baby Cake....Actually,The Making of....

This is both disturbing and fascinating to me at the same time.....WHY...just WHY?

I wish all of you a great Friday and I will proably have nightmares tonight thanks to this vid... :p


The Miracle of Birth...

I'm sure you may have heard about this story.

Amillia Taylor was born as the world's youngest surviving premature baby. Amillia was born at a Miami hospital after less than 22 weeks of development. Since then she's been incubating and is expected to go home soon.

Those tiny translucent feet are amazing. Hold your own hand out in front of you, and imagine those feet poking through your fingers. She was 10 OUNCES when born (280 grams), and 9.5 inches (240 cm). That's just longer than the length of your hand.

I think the science behind keeping this baby alive and soon to go home is amazing.

Oh, and the picture below is a peek into the labyrinth that is my mind in that sometimes I do a picture association with certain images....


Obesity, Fake nails and Tattoos

So, we have all seen these people of the female variety that seem to focus their attention from the forearm to the fingers and cankles to the toes. What I mean is why is it that these women don't save the cash on getting their nails done on a weekly basis or the tats on their cankles or wrists and mix in a workout or two to work on the more global issue of their heart-taxing weight? Really. I remember as a young lad of 12 or 13, my mom (as many moms do) would be describing someone by saying, "She has a pretty face." Translation: Not too easy on the eyes and a nice person. Ok, I am not trying to come across as a complete superficial idiot, but that just makes me laugh. I'm certainly not the authority on looks, but I'm just pointing out the greater good for a society of people laying off the vanity in ONE area and focus on FULL vanity. LOL! Bump up that heart rate honey so that my insurance premiums don't keep sky rocketing because you love cupcakes and drive and not walk a city block on a consistent basis.

Anyway, obesity is just one aspect. I truly HATE fake nails. This post was inspired by a trip to the grocery store when my eyes played witness to this oBEAST young women with horrible fake nails and a rose on her wrist, but in the past I have noticed a disproportionate number of obese women who seem to think that getting their nails did and tats on wrists and ankles makes them hot. Not hot at all.....and that's all for now.


Inside the Actors Studio

The Bravo cable channel is no secret to anyone, right? I don't usually make time to watch Bravo on a regular basis, but have been drawn to certain shows in the past as short-lived as it may have been. I had a break in my daily routine today and happen to be channel surfing and caught James Lipton and he had Dave Chappelle on the show. Talk about pure comedy....both Lipton and Chappelle had me cracking up. Seriously, you have to see that.

I'd love to see James Lipton pissed off. LOL! The guy is high drama anyway.

For all the Transformers fanboys out there, peep the Soundwave Interview, Part I.


Party Product-O-The Day?

Then: great naval tragedy. Now: an adventures slide for your kids!

Buy it here.


Super Bowl Impressions

Did your team win?

No need to answer that one. :p Nice implosion Monsters of the Midway....Seriously though, that game was a waste of time. The commercials sucked (other than ONE from Doritos and ONE from Bud Light) majorly.

The first few min of the SB were decent, but it just went down hill from there....I think multiple turnovers is just sloppy play.

Was the weather a factor? Yes, but still. I expect minimal mistakes and a close game; that did not happen. Sometimes it ends up that way, sometimes it does not. This was pretty much a disappointment.

The halftime show was OK. I like Prince, but I just think the league went for a "safe act" and wanted no wardrobe malfunctions. Well, I don't recall seeing Prince's breast. Crisis averted. :p

I just kept thinking after each horrid commercial, "Wow, there goes ANOTHER 2.6million".....what a joke.

Now, I can just focus on the NBA and keep an eye on the off-season moves by my Lions.


Top 3 at this moment...

My top three Hip-Hop singles are:

Make It Rain (the remix)--Fat Joe
Throw Some D's--Rich Boy
This Why I'm Hot--Mims