Man, I am in a difficult position in that I want to improve my photoshop skills and feel by upgrading some of my technology (mainly my monitor, but I could use a serious upgrade in the processing dept. as well) to a dual monitor setup (one as a palette and one as the main canvas area) so my screen real estate is vastly improved thus aligning the chi, thus producing a more consisten final product....The only thing standing in my way is the reality of actually having to throw cash at this idea. :( I always envision driving down the street and a box of two 22" lcds with great specs falling out of a truck and me being there to prevent these pieces of technology from being destroyed by another driver and doing the right thing and putting those boxes in my trunk since they had no ID on them for me to return them and then maybe, JUST maybe having the fortunate luck of bringing them home to actually get plugged in to my upgraded video card with two DVI inputs.......ok, that's lame....I need to spend money! :(
Technology Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
If I were one, I would be kind of pissed.......
Where is the media coverage? Where are the PRO-WHITE banners and all the squeeky wheels? Should they protest against all the stores who carry these products? It's about as silly as the whole Imus episode.
By the way, these Tortilla Strips are so freaking bangin', I defy you to find a better strip of Masa Harina corn flour anywhere on this planet. We just finished the bag and I had to post on these things more so for the name of the company, but seriously, once you go GMGringo Tortialla Strips, you never go back...I just tried them because they were on sale at Whole Foods, but the MFs are prime time chips. Believe it!! I would buy them again in a heartbeat...Taste and see.
Some things make no sense to me.... when people who have no idea how to play a sport and they get all laced up in high quality gear just to make the idea of them attempting something they have no business attempting seem that much more foolish. Exhibit A: I was in a park over the weekend and noticed some people playing softball; they were practicing. I saw this guy who was truly a disaster out in the field THINKING (based on most of his comments) that he was "just off" that day and would get it together eventually. Eventually never came. Dude had on some pretty expensive Nike cleats, UnderArmor from head to toe and he sucked! Why do people do things like that?! Back in the day when I would play basketball just about every other day, it would be the same thing with sneaks. Sheesh, these guys would show up with brand new Jordans or WHOEVER's kick was hot and their play would be utterly atrocious.
It would be like me getting expensive gear for something I am not that great at....Here are a few things. Golf. I don't play golf. I don't pretend like I play golf. I went to the range ONE time in my life and it was a disaster. Would an expensive driver help me smash it 300yds? My technique is horrible, therefore, a beginners to moderate hardware selection might be a better situation for someone like me. What else? Uh....Snowboarding. I bought mine from a place that sells used sporting goods. The board, bindings and boots were new, but the point is that if I dropped a few Gs on a Burton or some other techno-marvel of a snowboard, it would just be silly since #1--I am lucky to get out on a snow filled hill more than 5X in a season and #2--I don't think the X-Games are really in my future. So.......why spend the loot to just LOOK LIKE I am the real deal when I am certainly not. Part of my point is that in 2007, there is such a wide and appropriate range in middle-level gear that your casual weekend warrior would be ok to not go top-o-the-line....
Anyway, people just do interesting things and it makes me laugh....
This Road Leads to Menudo...
Oh brother...Just what the world needs...ANOTHER "reality" show about song and occassional dance....Although this terrible concept will be sentenced to MTV Tr3s, I sense the butt of many jokes will be the result....A sad day for Ricans everywhere. :(
¡FelĂz Pascua!
Not that I am a proponent of animal abuse in anyway, but this pic just cracks me up. More so for the significance it has, plus it was road kill and you know it! Some cruel joker throw the eggs and basket in there for drama. A guy I worked with several years ago sends this pic to me during the week of Easter leading up to Sunday with the subject line, "Easter is Cancelled" and I just was not expecting to see that image. Coupled with the reality that I was pretty focused on a project I needed to get done for my boss, the pic almost made me fall out of my chair when I was peeping my inbox.
By the way, I hate COLD hard-boiled eggs. How do people eat that crap?! :( I do like hard-boiled eggs, but seconds after removing the shell and piping hot is the only way I can consume eggs in that form.
Ok, enjoy your day and watch the rabbits in road!
For whatever reason, I seem to get caught up in the hype machine that is Quentin Tarantino. The guy is a total screwjob, but I cannot turn away....Not sure if it's because I see a bit of my own alter-ego in his antics. Not sure. In terms of Grindhouse, add in Robert Rodriguez (who I am a HUGE fan of) and I think I MIGHT actually drop some cash at the theater for the newest collabo by these guys. Who does not want to pay homage to B-movie thrillers of the 70s and 80? The combination of two feature-length segments (Planet Terror & Death Proof) into one flick has not been done recently, if at all. With Hollywood at a creative wasteland as of late, this might jumpstart some of the creativity that has been lacking.
If anything, the movie pics are high art and that has me caught up in it. Mix in some of Hollywood's femme fatales and good cinema might be produced. That remains to be seen, but this film will be out at the end of the week and your boy might peep it sooner rather than later....
WI travelin'
I returned yesterday from a short trip for work from the Milwaukee, WI area. Where do I begin? How about the plane ride there. I was on the plane with a bunch of junior college softball-playing females. They were going home from a tournament in FL. Small talk was made and the subject of what do they do for fun in WI came up. I was told "Camping and Hunting" are the only two things to do in WI according to these 20somethings. Great. I thought the Packers and eating cheese would somehow find its way in, but it did not. Anyway, I must admit that we had no time to explore the intricacies of the city of Milwaukee and maybe I am giving a hollow judgment, but I still believe that WI is no place for me. Give me MI any day...potholes, silly local government issues, racial tensions, scandalous crimes and all. I never thought I would miss traffic on I94 or I75, but being in WI made me think about that and when I returned and got off the plane and into my car and hit the traffic, I was pretty glad to be here and not there. Could it be the bad experience I had at a piece of trash Holiday Inn? Maybe. Could it be the recommended restaurant on the busy main street we were on was not very good? Maybe. Several episodes throughout this short trip made me sour about WI. My advice to you is to keep driving if you go there or just go over to the Chi for some diversity and urban activity.